Offerta formativa completa
Offerta formativa completa
L’Istituto Italiano di Pedagogia Teatrale diretto dal M° Jurij Alchitz, con l’assistenza della dott.ssa Serenella Di Michele, opera nell’Alta Formazione Professionale delle principali figure Artistiche connesse all’Arte Scenica: Insegnanti di Teatro, Pedagogisti Teatrali, Educatori alla teatralità, Registi e Attori. I programmi di lavoro proposti offrono un’ampia offerta formativa teorico-pratica: training, analisi, metodo. RILANCIATI A PARTIRE DAL MESE DI NOVEMBRE.
IL M° JURIJ ALSCHITZ PRESENTA DOMENICA 30 APRILE ALLE ORE 10.00 IL PROGRAMMA “PESCATORI DI TEATRO” rivolto ad Insegnanti di Teatro, Registi e Attori. Il workshop si svolgerà a Pescara in presenza – in lingua Italiana – dal 20 al 23 maggio. Nei quattro giorni di lavoro, il Maestro condurrà sessioni mattutine teorico-pratiche sul “metodo delle costellazioni” e sui “fondamenti di Pedagogia Quantistica” e incontri pomeridiani in cui – in dialogo con la dott.ssa Di Michele Serenella – affronterà alcuni temi fondamentali della Pedagogia Teatrale.
The International Theatre Institute ITI is pleased to announce that the 36th ITI World Congress will happen onsite from 20-25 February 2023 in Fujairah in the United Arab Emirates. As ITI research centre we are happy to re-connect with friends and meet new colleagues hoping to create new projects together.
Siamo lieti di informarvi che nel mese di MARZO 2023 partirà il modulo formativo Spirito Creativo valido per il conseguimento su esame di DIPLOMA NAZIONALE DI I° E II° LIVELLO IN EDUCATORE ALLA TEATRALITA’.
DESTINATARI: Tutte le figure Artistico-Educative, Socio- Culturali e di Aiuto. La spendibilità della figura professionale risulta elevata: essa può operare nei contesti teatrali, formativi, culturali, nelle scuole di ogni ordine e grado, nei contesti socio-educativi quali comunità, carceri o centri di accoglienza – in ambito sia privato si pubblico.
Contatti e informazioni 333.4226744 |
The Online Theatre Academy offers early bird prices for all courses: now you can get these conditions until 20 October for The Mastery of Directing with Jurij Alschitz and for SOLO – the devised Monologue with Christine Schmalor.
The online courses offer a perfect opportunity to continue your professional training parallel to your own work.
The qualification programme for drama teachers and educators is also recommended for directors and actors – for all those who are willing to change their way of thinking, to go beyond a materialistic theatre to discover the holistic space for their creativity. Do not hesitate to contact us and to ask … Check here for all information
Team of Teachers’ Talk: 13 February 2021 at 12:00
FREE EVENT – just join in time via ZOOMLINK
When and how is the actor initiated into the art of theatre? The team of teachers will discuss the idea behind the self-guided processes and share their practical approaches to stimulate and support actors who want to take their life in art in their hands.
Team of Teachers’ Talk: 16 January 2021 at 12:00
FREE EVENT – just join in time via ZOOMLINK
Most actors dream of the perfect ensemble to the same extent as they dream of boundless individual freedom as an artist. Are these dreams mutually exclusive or, perhaps, mutually dependent? What do we mean by “ensemble spirit”? How does it develop? What is the lifetime of an ensemble? And is there, inside the ensemble, the place for artistic individuality?
The Online Theatre Academy’s Team of Teachers discusses the challenge and beauty of this legendary theatrical concept and will wait for your questions, comments and ideas about this subject.
Dear Colleagues and Friends!
The World Theatre Training Institute AKT-ZENT / ITI wishes you peace and health for 2021. Do we need more? Yes! THEATRE!
We hope to meet you soon. Please have a look at our plans for the next months.