The Quantum Leap
After the intensive online preparation, students and teachers arrive to a selected place in nature, away from everyday life.
Students will receive a variety of impulses which will resonate on all levels. In 40 days they build up their own artistic vision, which means they artistically develop their individual stage language. The days follow specifically designed learning algorithms combining training, practical work, impulse-lectures – and most important – silence and pause.
The topics relate to all theater-relevant questions, but are not taught consecutively. Instead they are gradually opened up through novel connections and links. The ultimate goal is the change of consciousness, the change of thinking to a holistic, spherical so-called hyper-knowledge.
The pause – time of self-perception
Constant recombinations allow individual insights and increase one’s own cognitive interest in the process of change. In the end, ALthattheatre leads the students to a spherical thinking and creation in hyperspace. Knowledge is not fixed, but re-experienced and opened at the moment. Let’s call it liquid knowledge.
“The actor should be regarded as the most important theatrical unit of the Whole, one of the Theatre’s atoms or nano-particles. Similarly to quantum physics, this particle bears the sign of the whole Theatre whilst simultaneously being its own Theatre. It therefore becomes a Theatre within a Theatre: a micro-space within a macro-space, a micro-theatre within the field of macro-theatre.” Jurij Alschitz |
The Quality of Diversity
ALthattheatre invites purposely artists of all ages regardless their previous experience or education. There is only one thing which unites them: high motivation and the perspective of professional theatre practice.
The previous experience showed extremely positive results with this delicate mixture of ages. The programme addresses to the individual. Everyone works initially independent. But then you find stimulation on all levels. Students, who are not blocked by life-long stage practice provoke those who purposely come to change something in their system. And vice versa, experience will be shared. Knowledge will be not only exchanged between all, but created.
The more differences we will have in age and cultural background the more stimulation for everybody – students and teachers. Together we are searching for the “transparent” actor of the future, who easily combines, switches and creates methods of expression.