Hybrid Theatre Training
Hybrid theatre training combines online training and face-to-face tuition.
You start your studies online whereever you are in the world; you connect with the most recent developments and proposals to approach theatre; you receive impulses for your self-studies; you are free in your time management; you have already an individual artistic dialogue with your teacher – and you have the very concrete perspective: to go on stage, to realise your ideas in practice, and to share the experience with colleagues from all over the world who will meet up with you for this exciting moment.
The practical work after such an online preparation starts naturally on a high level of energy, which is needed for the so-called resonance training and your self-supported individual development.
How does the online training look like?
You will work with our new ⇒Online Theatre Academy.
There you will join the course for ALthattheatre where you will get various tasks, which you will hand in – as text, photo, video etc. and you will get feedback from your teacher. We use the possibilities of media technology, but keeping in mind, that they are just tools, very easy to handle. You will have zoom sessions where you will receive individual tasks and discuss your questions; in short you start the artistic dialogue with your teacher – but above all – with yourself.
It is the time when you change your mindset, when you open the horizon beyond your everyday knowledge and explore the cosmos of theatre. You will discover or revise ideas and – step by step – you will reveal your vision of theatre. You begin to develop and formulate the artistic “I”.
The fetters of freedom
The online training is the beginning of your self-education. It lasts only 6-8 weeks and leads precisely to the first day of meeting in person on stage with your teachers and your fellow students. It leads to the moment when the practical part of The 40 Days will start.
This online preparation time demands a high amount of self-organisation and it shows whether your motivation for this profession is enough strong to become a theatre artist.
These “online-weeks” you need to consider as a full-time study – not in front of the computer, but full of artistic work, experiments and exercises. You will discover a new world around you and you will be busy all day to formulate the central task: “This is my Theatre”.
You start to work as a free artist.