
XIV International Theatre Summer Academy

Artistic Direction Dr Jurij Alschitz / International Team of Teachers

Bando in italiano


20 July – 4 August 2024

Montecreto, Italy   
Located in the Modena Apennines Regional Park, at the foot of Monte Cimone
in collaboration with Čajka Teatro d’Avanguardia Popolare – Teatro Oriens  

The International Theatre Summer Academy in short

♣  Summertime in Italy – hot days in cool mountains
♣  Off the beaten track – where the individualists meet
♣  Self-preparation: a subject that is not taught in any academy
♣  Meet Jurij Alschitz and his International Team of Teachers
♣  Get daily acting training together
♣  Workshops for acting, directing and teaching
♣  Experience International encounters of all ages
♣  We celebrate life as artists together!

self-preparation – the secret to success

Meet Jurij Alschitz and his International team of teachers

With its annual International Theatre Summer Academy, the World Theatre Training Institute offers a supplement to drama school programmes and therefore offers both students and professional theatre professionals a unique opportunity for personal advanced training.

The subject of self-preparation, which is closely related to self-education and ultimately self-creation, is the central tool for any successful person in today’s society, especially in the arts. Why is self-preparation still not taught at drama schools? The issue is largely neglected and is considered more of a “private matter”, which lends it a mysterious flair.

The International Theatre Summer Academy invites actors, directors, theatre pedagogues and drama teachers to intensively explore and learn the wide range of techniques and methods for self-preparation at the highest professional level.

For over 20 years, Jurij Alschitz has been developing various techniques and approaches on how actors can prepare for a role / play / project in a meaningful and independent way in order to be able to meet the director at eye level on the first day at rehearsal or on set. In times of collective and less hierarchical forms of work, the actor as creative artist and author of the role is increasingly coming to the fore. In times of short production periods, effective self-preparation is a question of artistic survival.

However, the same applies to directors: in order to work professionally with actors, you need perfect, all-encompassing preparation with a methodical toolkit. Only on this basis can the talent and fantasy of the director unfold. Theatre pedagogues and drama teachers ultimately need the same instruments for teaching, rehearsing and creating performances.

Apart from this, directors, theatre pedagogues and drama teachers must learn how to apply self-preparation methods in a meaningful way, but above all how to guide them. Dormant here is an incredible potential for the collective creative process that has hardly been discovered to date.

The two courses for Acting and Directing
of the XIV International Theatre Summer Academy
will be led by Dr. Jurij Alschitz, Christine Schmalor and Riccardo Palmieri

International Theatre Summer Academy 2024

Course for Actors

Yay! I’ve got a part! And now? How do I prepare myself?

This course shows working methods and strategies for the emancipation and self-empowerment of actors who either plan their own project or want to meet the director and the ensemble at eye level on the first day of rehearsals. After all, it is the attitude of an artist when they actively participate in the joint creative process and take responsibility for their own actions.

This attitude becomes evident in the special stage presence and requires professional steps of self-preparation. There are many different keys to this, which will be intro­duced in this course: There is the way to ask questions of the role – but which ones? There are techniques and methods on how and where to get energy for my acting, on how to recognise themes and bring them to life on stage. Last but not least, the famous “Vertical of the Role” method leads to the philo­sophical-spiritual core of my personage.

Although this course will initially cover a broad spectrum, it will focus on selected topics that we will develop through practical training and concrete exercises and tasks in such a way that they will be available to you as professional tools. This takes time and a commitment to going into depth. But then will you be able to clearly experience your artistic authorship on stage.

International Theatre Summer Academy

Course for Directors,
Drama Teachers, Theatre Pedagogues and Playwrights

In this course, you will mainly be faced with questions. With all the questions you should ask in the context of your preparation. The precise professional, personal catalogue of questions will become the methodological basis for all your future project.

How do I organise my way of preparation? Where do I find the energetic resources for me and later for the actors? What does it mean to develop the image of the performance? What does it all involve? Which decisions do I make and when? How do I design the frame so that my artistic image offers space for my actors? Which strategies are suitable for this process? Which of the many rehearsal methods will lead me to my goal(s)?

What about my tools as a director? How do I organise the network of open and hidden events – of the scene, the play, of all the characters? How do they relate to the lines of conflict, of atmospheres, of time and space? Not to mention the lifelines of words and pauses? … ? … ? …

Naturally, an important topic of the course will be how I can initiate and guide the actors’ self-preparation for the role and integrate it into my future productions. Those who are clever enough to recognise this potential and apply it correctly can be sure of an explosion of creative energy and suggestions.

Joint Training

The common starting point of the day

In the morning, the two groups will come together for joint training. They will experience the topic from their own perspective. For the actors, the exercises serve as a basis for the practical research that follows. The directors and teachers can experience “training as a method” for themselves and receive the necessary tools for their own teaching and rehearsal practice.

International Theatre Summer Academy  Training


Language of tuition: English / Italian, on stage: mother tongue.
Working hours: all day. Training, lectures, individual rehearsals, work presentations.

The Location

Montecreto is a small mountain village with natural charm, known for its unique chestnut forest right next to our Teatro Oriens. Montecreto is the perfect place to concentrate on yourself, experience nature and climb mountains in between lessons. Together, we will enjoy the Italian way of life, good food and friendly locals who welcome the artists every year.


We have arrangements with apartment houses close to the theatre space, where you can get shared spaces with integrated kitchen.
You can also look for a private holiday apartment.
We will arrange personally after your registration and connect interested participants as needed.

How to get there

The nearest train station is Modena. The nearest airport is Bologna.
Please contact us before booking your tickets so that we can organise the transfer to the mountains.

Application procedure


We will reply in a short time if your application is accepted.
To complete your registration, please transfer a registration fee of 150 € as the first instalment of the participant fee. Only after this payment, your place will be reserved and you will receive the preparation materials.
The registration fee is not refundable.
In case of cancellation, refunds are only possible, if you send a participant substituting your place.

Tuition fee

Acting course: 600 € 

Directing course: 750 €